- The website host is: INFOMANIAK NETWORK SA, 26, Avenue de la Praille, 1227 Carouge / Geneva – SWITZERLAND
- The person responsible for publishing the site is: Anne-Chantal Menoud
- Address: H2O Facilities Avenue des Grandes-Communes 8 1213 Petit-Lancy
- Website creation: E-Perspectives web agency
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In particular, users are informed that, in accordance with the Federal Data Protection Act (LPD – RS 235.1), the information they provide via the forms on the site is required in order to respond to their requests.
In accordance with article 8 of the Federal Data Protection Act, users have the right to object to access to and rectification of their personal data.
You can exercise this right by post or by contacting us using the online form, stating your surname, first name and email address. Personal data collected on the site will under no circumstances be distributed to third parties, nor will it be sold, rented or lent. The automated processing of personal data carried out on the website has therefore been processed in compliance with these requirements.
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